Sunday, September 4, 2005

Is your path a good path?

This is strictly for fun and to be a little thought-provoking. I wrote this quiz a couple years ago but don't take it too seriously, please!

Are all spiritual and social paths equal? My general belief is that this is not the case. A path to understanding and awareness is only as good as the person walking it. Yet the path one chooses to walk tells us a lot about that person. So one day I whipped up this little quiz. Eight yes or no questions follow. You should keep track of your replies to each question. (The quiz reflects only my personal views on what is good or bad about a belief system.)


1. Does your (religion, philosophy, party, etc.) promote the idea that you are a cog in a greater plan, unable to appreciate your role in the greater scheme of things? In other words, are you merely to do what you are told for the greater good even if your individual actions seem wrong at the time?

2. Does your (religion, philosophy, party, etc.) promote peace, understanding, and diversity?

3. Does your (religion, philosophy, party, etc.) suggest that without some outside power, you are "bad" or "helpless" or otherwise inferior or incapable? While all humans need other people for proper physical and mental development, here "outside" influence indicates a greater force, like a government, a Divine presence, a mystic law or power, etc.

4. Does your (religion, philosophy, party, etc.) encourage you to better yourself and others?

5. Does your (religion, philosophy, party, etc.) focus on conforming and obedience over individual thought and being inquisitive?

6. Does your (religion, philosophy, party, etc.) teach that the world in which we live in inherently evil?

7. Does your (religion, philosophy, party, etc.) teach you that you and others are capable and valuable regardless of faith or creed?

8. Does your (religion, philosophy, party, etc.) emphasize personal responsibility and the effect your actions have on others and theirs on you?

OK, when you are done, read on.

For questions 1, 3, 5, and 6, give yourself one positive point for each "NO" and one negative point for each "YES".

For questions 2, 4, 7, and 8, give yourself one positive point for each "YES" and one negative point for each "NO".

Tally up your points. The range is going to be from -8 to +8, so if you came up with a number outside these values go back and your scores again.

Now for the results:

If your score was in the -8 to -4 range, your set of beliefs may be harmful to yourself and, if you aren't careful, to others. Whether you realize it or not, beliefs like yours almost invariably lead to misery and suffering. Find your faith in yourself and others. There is a better way. (*If you scored a -8 I hope you can overcome your self-image and self-imposed limits.)

If your score was in the -4 to -1 range, your beliefs may have some serious flaws which and would benefit from a close re-examination. They contain elements that allow people to be manipulated into accepting terrible things as a normal part of life.

If you scored a 0, you are in a tough spot. Your beliefs often present some difficult conflicts or can be hard to explain to people who scored higher or lower than you. Let go of the fear or supersition that is holding you back.

If your score was in the 1 to 4 range, your beliefs are probably generally beneficial to yourself and others. There's still something in the way, but you can overcome it.

If your score was in the 4 to 8 range, your beliefs are inspiring. You are truly making a difference in the world. (*If you scored a +8, you are poised to be a leader and to inspire greatness in others. Strive on!)

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